Sunday, July 4, 2010

GROW — July update

Around June 15 this leaf grew to be over 6" wide. Those are my hands; the leaf easily spans both. My palms are exactly 3" wide.


I'm getting some crazy Jurassic Park-style foliage over here. At one point they were trying to take over the entire planter, but once they got big enough I gently encouraged them to grow out the railing to trail off the balcony. I mean ... I shoved them through the railing and kept poking stray leaves back through each time the wind tried to shove them back.

At the same time, I got my first bloom. It's pretty, but I was expecting a deep red as shown on the seed packet. This flower turned out to be paler and orange-y.

But then these babies bloomed. So, I'm satisfied.

These were Alaska, saved from last year's plants. It's a very nice, compact plant. And a more prolific bloomer, but not as large as Spitfire.

The vines are getting pretty long.

I'm growing Nasturtium "Spitfire" for the
GROW project. Thanks, to Renee's Garden for the seeds.


  1. Jealous - I haven't got any nasturtiums this year. :( Forgot to sow them in time.
    I really must be better organized next year.

  2. Wow -- I love the huge leaf! Mine are not nearly that big. I found the same thing regarding the bloom color -- the first few seemed more orange-y, but now I'm seeing more red. Your balcony is just gorgeous!

  3. Wow...My nasturtiums never grow that big!

  4. Found you at Blotanical and sent you a message there. Nice small garden, I love it. I used to do balcony gardening. Lovely Nastartiums, I was thinking about growing these. I don't know if I should grow from seeds or buy small plants from the nursery, they certainly add color to the garden. Please visit my blog when you have a chance. Thanks!

  5. Wow, what huge leaves you have, and big plants too. I did the same "gentle encouraging" up my trellis. ;-)

  6. Wow, that leaf is huge! You should save seeds from that particular plant and see if future generation grow leaves that big too.

  7. Hah-- those are the leaves I needed for my stuffed nasturtium leaves!

  8. Stunning! What a great deep color. And here I was pleased-as-punch with my yellow and orange blooms with varigated foliage. I was not even aware that these came in different varieties - duh. Will add those to my wish list for 2011.

    I'm pretty crazy about the way you have those plants popping out under the hanging boxes. Wonderful lush appearance. How much sunshine do the nasturium receive?

    Also, is this variety giving you some ugly "spent" leaves? This is my first year with nasturium and I'm disappointed in the amount of mntc required. I will post some photos of how well mine are draping from the railing boxes on my balcony (a little different look than your own). Neighbors love the look!

  9. that leaf photos is really awesome! mine didn't grow any flowers this year ... oh well!
